© JOUAN Cyril
Syndicat de la Fonction publique Européenne

SFE is a democrat and humanist inspired trade union organisation. It is open to anyone employed by an institution or organisation with and European vocation.
SFE is member of Alliance where there are a collaboration with several trade union.
While maintaining its absolute independence from any external authority, be it political, religious or otherwise, the SFE develops regular contacts with the world.
SFE is at the service of the interests of the staff and more particularly of those of its members. Our organization participates actively in the Staff Committees whose members are elected by the staff every three years.
Our representatives play an important role in the negotiations with the Commission:
Currently, until 2019, our elected members at Local Staff Commitee (LSC) / Central Staff
Committee (CSC) are:
Alain HUBRECHT (President of the LSC, CSC, Promotion Committee CA & Reclassification Joint
Committee, COPEC);
Ferdinand KOPP (EEAS);
Do not hesitate to contact them via our contact form or by sending us an email!
SFE has developed a great experience in the follow-up of the files in various fields and related to the careers of the colleagues such as:
Condition of work;
Career (promotion and reclasiffication);
Pension / unemployment;
Social & legal help;
Joining SFE gives everyone permanent guarantees to have someone who listens, who takes her/his remarks seriously and who defends her/his interests and statutory rights.
SFE wants to offer officials and other agents a place where they can clarify their role, publicly express thei expectations, take responsability, assert their rights and receive adquate services.
You can always count on SFE and we also count on each one of you.
Who are we?


Our team
The members of the Executive Committee (Comex) are elected for 3 years during the internal elections (wich follow the elections of the staff representation) and have the task of organising and ensuring the functioning of the union.
The Comex is the decision-making body of SFE (with the exception of co-opted members who do not have the right to vote).
According to its statutes, SFE also has a Financial Commission in charge of the financial control of our organization (under the responsability of the Treasurer) as well as a Mediation Commission in charge of internal disputes within SFE.
All members of SFE in order of trade union dues can invest and participate in the actions. So why not you?
The Executive Committee
The Bureau
The other members
Les autres membres

Comex member
Les autres membres

Laurent GRUYEZ
Comex member
Les autres membres

Giancarlo ROSSI
Comex member
Les autres membres

Ferdinand KOPP
Comex member (EEAS)
Les autres membres

Comex member
Les autres membres

Comex member
Les autres membres

Comex member
Les autres membres

Christophe STAES
Comex member

Retired contact point
Ms KEMPENERS is a loyal and retired member of SFE and is the point of contact for pensioners.

Webmaster and Training Manager as a volunteer.
Cyril is the webmaster of the site and also manages all publications, graphics and training.
Le Bureau

President of SFE
The president of SFE is responsible for the administration of the union. He is also the link in the administration and the union.
Le Bureau

The mission of the vice-presidents is to assist the president of SFE and help him in his tasks.
Le Bureau

Cécile JOUAN
The mission of the vice-presidents is to assist the president of SFE and help him in his tasks.
Le Bureau

General secretary
The general secretary is the link between the union and the various external providers and is charged of the monitoring of legal affairs.
Le Bureau

Political secretary
the political secretary manages all relations and negotiations with other OSP and puts into practice the policy decided by the SFE.
Le Bureau

The treasurer is in charge of the bank accounts, accounts and claims of the union.