© JOUAN Cyril
Syndicat de la Fonction publique Européenne


Are you going to pass exams at EPSO and want to prepare? You will find below all the references of books which will allow you to better prepare for the various tests of the competitions / tests of the European institutions.
First and foremost, it is essential to read your competition notice / description of the tests in order to choose the books that you will need.
As a reminder, each book edited by ORSEU is mainly composed of:
Description of the material;
Modalities of the test;
Methodology with detailed examples;
Series of exercises;
Explained corrections;
The books are from a minimum level AST (Assistant) to AD (Administrator). Thus, all the books can be used by candidates applying for a Contractual Agent (CA) job.
Books remain a very popular support for most candidates compared to computer tests (sometimes time-limited) or webinar training (only methodology and a brief explanation of the subjects). The best way to pass these events is to train well in advance and be motivated!
You'll find advice in our EPSO section.
Please note: all books are only sold in paper format and we cannot provide you a digital format.

Edition 2017

SFE member: 30€
Non-member: 39€

272 pages

(available in French)
Authors: Emmanuel HETRU, Claire MERCIER (ORSEU Concours)
Stock: 1
This new revised and enriched edition is intended for candidates who will pass the Abstract Reasoning test at EPSO (MCQ computer based reasoning tests / CAST / Competitions).
The questions are presented in the form of series with four geometric figures, repeated, slightly modified, colored in black / gray and you will have to deduce the logical continuation of the fifth proposition among the available choices.
The goal of the test is to train you to analyze the logical sequence of a series of geometric figures and to deduce the analogies, similarities and differences very quickly. This test is not a question of intelligence but is primarily based on learning and managing limited time in a stressful situation.


Edition 2013

SFE member: 10€
Non-member: 10€

288 pages

Authors: Emmanuel HETRU, Claire MERCIER (ORSEU Concours)
Stock: 4
This book is intented for candidates who will pass the Abstract Reasoning test at EPSO.
The questions are presented in the form of series with four geometric figures, repeated, slightly modified, colored in black / gray and you will have to deduce the logical continuation of the fifth proposition among the available choices.
The goal of the test is to train you to analyze the logical sequence of a series of geometric figures and to deduce the analogies, similarities and differences very quickly. This test is not a question of intelligence but is primarily based on learning and managing limited time in a stressful situation.

Edition 2012

SFE member: 30€
Non-member: 39€

240 pages

(available in French)
Authors: Emmanuel HETRU, Jean-Luc BIZEUR (ORSEU Concours)
Stock: 1
This book is intended for candidates who will take the Numerical Reasoning test at EPSO (MCQ computer based reasoning tests / CAST / Competitions).
Contrary to appearances, numerical reasoning is not reduced only to mathematical calculation. You will have to understand and analyze the problem posed, decipher the useful information or not for your answer among those proposed.
Of course, math notions will be necessary such as calculating an average, proportions, rate of change etc. This book will remind you of them as you go.
You will need to learn to manage your time in a stressful situation without having to systematically resort to the calculator.

Edition 2019

SFE member: 30€
Non-member: 38€

288 pages

(available in French and in Italian)
Authors: Emmanuel HETRU, Claire MERCIER (ORSEU Concours)
Stock: 1
This new revised and enriched edition is intended for candidates who will take the Verbal Reasoning test at EPSO (MCQ computer based reasoning tests / CAST / Competitions).
Verbal reasoning is not a knowledge test because you will have several texts with different topics. The main point is not to understand the theme of the texts but the speed reading.
You will learn to analyze a statement and the meaning of a text, to master the subtleties of language and deduce which statement is logically deduced. You will need to easily guess what is asked of you, quickly and selectively read ideas via keywords for example.
You will need to learn to manage your time in a stressful situation by familiarizing yourself with speed reading and comprehension.
This book is also available in Italian (excerpt). We have 1 book in stock.

Edition 2012

SFE member: 10€
Non-member: 10€

198 pages

(available in French)
Authors: Emmanuel HETRU, Jean-Luc BIZEUR (ORSEU Concours)
Stock: 6
This book is intended for candidates who will take the Verbal Reasoning test at EPSO.(MCQ computer based reasoning tests / CAST / Competitions).
Verbal reasoning is not a knowledge test because you will have several texts with different topics. The main point is not to understand the theme of the texts but the speed reading.
You will learn to analyze a statement and the meaning of a text, to master the subtleties of language and deduce which statement is logically deduced. You will need to easily guess what is asked of you, quickly and selectively read ideas via keywords for example.
You will need to learn to manage your time in a stressful situation by familiarizing yourself with speed reading and comprehension.

Edition 2017

SFE member: 30
Non-member: 39€

170 pages

(available in French)
Authors: Emmanuel HETRU, Claire MERCIER and Jean-Luc BIZEUR (ORSEU Concours)
Stock: 5
This book is intended for candidates who will take the E-Tray test at EPSO. Very often, the E-Tray is one of the first tests before the assessment centre.
The E-Tray test is a real-world computer simulation where you work on a mailbox with information on a particular topic.
You will have to find the solutions within the allotted time.
This test allows you to judge, in a more concrete situation, your analytical skills and problem solving in a limited time. The book offers 2 concrete cases of tests.

Edition 2015

SFE member: 30€
Non-member: 39€

132 pages

(available in French)
Authors: Emmanuel HETRU, Caroline FICHE and Claire MERCIER (ORSEU Concours)
Stock: 0
This book is intended for candidates who are going to take the Case Study test.
The case study is part of the written tests during the assessment centre in which you have a file to process.
The jury will analyze your skills, including analysis and problem solving, quality and results, communication, prioritization and organization.
This test takes place most often on a computer where you will answer questions and rely on the file provided (which can be quite large).
You will need to hone your analytical skills, identify information and extract ideas, structure responses and refine your writing.

Edition 2013

SFE member: 25€
Non-member: 32€

239 pages

(available in French)
Authors: Emmanuel HETRU, Claire MERCIER and Jean-Luc BIZEUR (ORSEU Concours)
Stock: 3
This book is intended for candidates who will pass the Situational Judgment test at EPSO. It is possible that a skills test will be included right after the CBT test (depending on your test description in your EPSO account).
During this test, you will be judged on your decision-making and actions in the professional sphere without taking into account your experience.
Thus, you will have a situation to analyze and find the best and worst action that you think is correct among the four proposed.
The candidate must understand each situation as a role play to provide an answer only on the given scenario. You are expected to have skills and good professional practices by prioritizing actions according to criteria: degree of problem resolution, priority, organization, possible hazards and deadlines to be respected.

Edition 2012

SFE member: 30€
Non-member: 39€

285 pages

(available in French)
Author: Emmanuel HETRU (ORSEU Concours)
Stock: 2
This book is intended for candidates who will be taking the Accuracy and Precision and Prioritising and Organising test at EPSO.
The accuracy and precision test is based mainly on the sense of observation. You will have to analyze two tables and make a comparison between the data that does not match in the allotted time and with a high number of questions. You will improve your visual memory and your stress management.
The second test, prioritising and organising, requires discipline and method in several situations: timetable calculation for a journey, timetable, constraints to be taken into account. You will be able to interpret, transcribe and optimize your organization.

Edition 2016

SFE member: 27€
Non-member: 35€

272 pages

(available in French)
Authors: Emmanuel HETRU, Claire MERCIER and Caroline FICHE (ORSEU Concours)
Stock: 0
This book is intended for anyone wishing to review or learn the basics of Numerical Reasoning. It is aimed at pupils, students, job seekers, and more generally all candidates who will have this test during the first phases of selection. This book is not really suitable to help you train for the test of the same name for the European institutions (EPSO).
Whatever your level, you will review the basics of numerical reasoning, i.e. understanding and analyzing mathematical data.
You will acquire the logic of multiple choice questions (MCQ) tests, such as series of numbers to be completed, problems to be solved, operations with gaps, estimations, analysis of a table or a graph (etc.).

Edition 2023

SFE member: 25€
Non-member: 30€

188 pages

(available in French)
Author: Emmanuel HETRU (ORSEU Concours)
Stock: 2
This book is designed for candidates wishing to prepare for an oral interview, whether as part of a European competition (EPSO), selection exam (Selor in Belgium, Govjobs in Luxembourg, Publicjobs in Ireland, Civil Service in the UK), or a job interview in the private sector.
Interviews can take a variety of forms: STAR, motivational interview, case study, group exercise, role play, etc. In person or remotely, depending on the organisational arrangements, these interviews aim to assess your behavioural skills in order to deduce whether you are capable of adapting to a new working environment.
Candidates must pay close attention to their verbal communication (tone of voice, emotions conveyed, gaze, gestures) but also to non-verbal communication and stress.

Edition 2024

Fixed price: 26,00€

694 pages

Only in French
Author: Christophe LESCOT (Ellipses)
Stock: 3
L’Union européenne est désormais installée au cœur de la vie politique, économique et sociale des États, mais cette construction européenne reste mal connue. C’est à l’échelle européenne que se posent les questions essentielles qui dépassent le cadre des États-nations :
Comment équilibrer l’ouverture des marchés par la protection des équilibres territoriaux et la préservation de services d’intérêt général ?
La libéralisation des échanges est-elle possible sans dumping social au détriment des salariés ?
Comment créer, à partir de l’euro, les conditions d’une meilleure intégration économique et budgétaire ?
L’Europe doit-elle s’ouvrir à l’immigration économique ou fermer ses frontières ?
Faut-il fixer des frontières à un ensemble politique en expansion constante depuis ces dernières années ?
Telles sont quelques-unes des questions essentielles pour notre avenir à tous que l’on trouvera analysées dans cet ouvrage.

No excerpt

Edition 2024

Fixed price: 60€

420 pages

Only in English
Author: Andras Baneth (John Harper Publishing)
Stock: 0
The Ultimate EU Test Book Administrators 2024 edition has been updated to reflect the new format of European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) competitions and includes hundreds of new test questions and exercises.
The 2024 Administrators edition covers the new competition process all the way through to the establishment of the Reserve List - the list of laureates eligible for recruitment to permanent posts by the EU institutions. It is packed with practical advice on how to maximise your chances of success and hundreds of sample test questions, explaining the shortcuts to answer questions quickly and the common errors that candidates make.
Features of the 2024 edition include:
•Detailed guidance on the new format of EPSO competitions
•All questions now with full answer explanations
•ALL-NEW verbal reasoning test
•ALL-NEW numerical reasoning test
•ALL-NEW abstract reasoning test
•EXPANDED EU knowledge test
•Case studies / testing of written communication
•Packed with strategies, methodologies, and practical advice
The Administrators 2024 edition is designed for candidates in EPSO AD-level open competitions. It includes test types also found in CAST selections and internal competitions.