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Attention : suite à la réorganisation de certaines de nos pages, plusieurs liens dans nos communications sont susceptibles de ne plus fonctionner. Merci de consulter notre page TRACTS où tout a été centralisé.

Please note: following the reorganisation of some of our pages, several links in our communications may no longer work. Please consult our TRACTS page where everything has been centralised.

(Members) SFE helps its members who want to train for the new EPSO exams

New EPSO tests have been introduced for the next internal competitions:

  • The written test

  • The European Union knowledge test

The SFE union is keen to make training accessible to all its members, and makes it a point of honour to support the development of skills and success for everyone. With this in mind, we have decided to grant you training assistance by paying for the purchase of an ORSEU digital pack once a year.

The aim of this support is to help you prepare for competitions and exams by giving you easier access to high-quality teaching resources. By investing in your professional future, we want to give you every opportunity to succeed and develop your career.

Don't hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity by following the link below and to contact us for any further information!



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