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Attention : suite à la réorganisation de certaines de nos pages, plusieurs liens dans nos communications sont susceptibles de ne plus fonctionner. Merci de consulter notre page TRACTS où tout a été centralisé.

Please note: following the reorganisation of some of our pages, several links in our communications may no longer work. Please consult our TRACTS page where everything has been centralised.

INFO TRAINING: Assessment Centre / Internal competition - no face-to-face training in the future

Since 2022, SFE will no longer offer training on the assessment centre and internal competition.

Our external trainer Anne DRAIME has informed us that she no longer offers face-to-face training at the Assessment Centre and internal competition.

You can still request private lessons from Anne DRAIME available on her website.

ATTENTION: these private lessons are not paid for by SFE and this information is given for information purposes only.

SFE is currently trying to find another trainer for the assessment centre / internal competition for the year 2023.



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