Info members 2: Alain HUBRECHT has been appointed President of the Local Staff Committee (LSC) of Brussels

Dear member,
Dear friends,
I am pleased to announce that on June 18 I was appointed President of the Brussels CLP (Local Staff Committee) for the next six months.
For those of you who know me, I remain committed to defending the rights of our staff, as I have done for several years now.
Moreover, this is a significant step forward in the recognition of all staff, where status, origin or gender should no longer be discriminatory markers, since I am the first president of this important Staff Committee and a contractual agent. This is an important political message, since each and every one of us (AD, AST, AST-SC, T, CA) should have the same rights and the same opportunities.
I'll be keen to convey these messages to the Administration, so that we can continue our efforts to guarantee your rights.
I will be able to count on our TAO partners, with whom we work closely on many issues.

Together, and thanks to your constant support, we are constantly working at your disposal to help make this institution a workplace where everyone can be treated fairly and where we can all expect to enjoy adequate working conditions.
Of course, there's still a lot of work to be done, and it's only by working together as a committed team that we'll be able to bring about positive change.
I will shortly be meeting the HR Director General, Mr. Stephen QUEST, and over the coming months, the various Directors at the Commission/Office, to convey these messages.
Thank you all very much!
Kind regards,
President of SFE