Reform the staff representation and modernize the unions

Reform the staff representation and modernize the unions
Do you think staff reprensation is complicated?
In this real ''in shambles and Babel tower'' engendered by the expansion and multiplication of ''post 2004'' trade union organisations, making populist, utopian and false promises to attract members as well as votes and created for targeted interests of personal and non-general situations… ...
(Let us remember that before this date, only a few traditional unions existed, including SFE)!
At SFE, we do not make false promises and we do no miracle! But at SFE, we defend all the staff!

In this sense, SFE, which has chosen to join a (most representative) Trade Union Alliance for years and in a proactive manner, believes that a reform of the social dialogue and of the staff representation will be necessary in the future.
SFE wants to make it more efficient, more compact, and will engage in this union alliance to achieve it!
Some examples :
Establishment of synchronisation and harmonisation of elections on the same dates at all sites to elect a Staff Committee composed of local delegations (including colleagues wishing to participate in debates on their future) who will each be responsible for one central file, '' a portfolio '', assisted by a working group of a few delegates on each site, and proportionately to also manage local issues and concerns.
(Currently, elections are held on each site at different dates with different electoral rules, with, so to speak, a perpetual electoral campaign constantly modifying the representativeness of each other, making it difficult the stability of the committee already constituted and its mandates).
Regulate the communication and the electronic information sent to the staff, in order to better target the communication and thus limit the number of mails received by each colleague.
At the level of the secondments, they must be limited in time to the union level, but could extend to the statutory level only if the representative is re-elected, the SFE is in favour of an anti-aggregation rule and is against secondments "ad vitam aeternam" until the retirement age for example, and even beyond for some, until age 67, after having obtained extensions for service within the staff representation!
The guarantee of the hierarchy in the facts and in practice, reminding the management that the colleagues elected without secondment may and must accomplish without constraint the statutory work as representative in the interest of the service, as well as to ensure the participation in the works of the joint committees in which they would be mandated and the participation in the plenaries of the CP, without this being penalizing him.
Establishment of a survey to know the staff opinion on the functioning of the Staff Representation and the future reform of it, as well as the establishment of a referendum and a consultation.
Reduction and limitation of missions (they must be done only in an extraordinary way). The use of videoconferencing systems must be privileged.
Establish the duty of transparency on the activity reports of the Staff Representation. We are also in favor of having each plenary meeting of the Staff Committee retransmitted and available as webstreaming.
50% Contractual Agents – 50% Civils servants