Panoptic special edition: Analysis of GIPs for all CAs (v.1) [EN version available]

Panoptic GIPs for CAs
Our analysis answers your questions!

Dear colleagues,
Following the adoption of the last General Implementing Provisions (GIPs), many of you contacted us to know their impact on your contracts and your careers.
It is not a new tract or an annoucement effect, but it is a real detailed analysis of the general provisions that answers the many questions that colleagues may have about their working conditions.
Because knowing is already acting!
SFE is pleased to introduce Special Panoptic
"Analysis of GIPs for all CAs"*.
This document is intended to give you an overview of the General Implementation Provisions and to inform you of the latest changes following the adoption of decision C(2017) 6760.

Good reading!
* This document is not contractual. SFE declines any responsability for the contents of this edition, as well as any error or omission of any kind that may be found there. Only the French version is legally valid.