Contractuals Agents: 15 years later (2004 / 2018) - Message number 1

Contractuals Agents: 15 years later (2004 / 2018)?
The Commission can and MUST do better…
In termes of job stability and access to the appointment to a permanent basis as a civil servant (message 1).
Dear colleagues,
I - The job stability, considering the enormous potential that supposes more than 6.000 Contactuals Agents – CA -, must constitute a permanent objective of management. All the more reason since this is likely to lead to significant gains in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in services.
SFE estimates that measures such as:
Access to a permanent contract (CA 3a) and their retention in the event of a change of function group;
The setting of individual pension parameters (retirement age and annuity) at the time of entry into service;
Better harmonization upwards of conditions in favour of employment (cf. EU Directives);
The establishment of a public employment offer at interinstitutional level;
Continuous training on the basis of an anticipatory needs management at the level of the Institution;
Organization of functional and interinstitutional mobility, in particular for CA 3b;
Constitute actions to promote.
II – Concerning the appointment to a permanent basis as a civil servant, the Staff Regulations provides in its Article 29 and Annex III several instruments which constitute as many possibilities to achieve this.
For example, for the organization of:
More systematic internal competitions (once every 2 years at least)
General titles competitions
General competitions on tests
General competitions on titles and tests
The legislator requires the exceptionality for the competitions, then SFE advocates the General Competitions on titles, which would make it possible to value the expertise and the know-how on the ground within the Institution that the CA 3A and 3B acquired over the years.
Our next message will focus on the Administrative Career…
50% Contractuals Agents – 50% Civils servants