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Promotion exercise 2018 - Functionary


Dear colleagues,

According to the schedule drawn up by the DG HR (administrative information n. 13-2018), the list of people proposed for the promotion is published on 18 June in Sysper.

If you are not on the list, you have the possibility to make an appeal (the deadline for the introduction of this appeal is 5 working days).

Nota Bene: validated and justified absences are not taken into account for this period.

It is essential in your appeal to detail as much as possible and in a concise manner, your merits, your responsabilities, the languages used and all the factual elementats that would objectively justify your promotion.

Appeals will then be analyzed by the Joint Promotion Committee, in which SFE takes part.

The final list of promoted people will be published in November.

As always, we can advise you and help you for your appeal.

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