TRAININGS: « Situational Judgement & Abstract » and « Assessment Center »

FORMATION : Computer Based Tests (CBT)
Trainer: Anne DRAIME
> Training in English on thursday 19/04/2017 - 16 h to 20h
Situational Judgement & Abstract
This training is closed.
Where: Building J70 Bloc A 1st floor, meeting room 040
FORMATION : Assessment Center
> Training in French on thursday 24/05/2018 - 16h to 20h
> Training in English on thursday 21/06/2018 - 16h to 20h
Case study, General skills interview, Groupe exercise, Oral presentation
Price: SFE Members: Free * Non members : 75€ Special Offer!! **
Where: Building J70 Bloc A 1st floor, meeting room 040
* These training offers are reserved for SFE members in order of contribution, unless ad hoc decision of the Executive Committee.
** This sum will be reimbursed in case of enrolment in SFE within 3 months of the training. If your membership is not finalised or if you do not want join us, a proof of payment must be send BEFORE the training.