New GIP for Contractual Agents

Dear colleagues CONTRACTUAL Agents,
SFE informs you of the entry into force of the New General Implementing Provisions (GIPs) governing the conditions of employment of contract staff employed by the Commission: In concrete terms, these new GIPSs were supposed to meet contract staff’s expectations to offer them real career’s prospects within our institutions. It is clear that they will only satisfy a small part of the contract staff! As a Trade Union, we regret that DG HR has not paid much attention to the proposals of the staff representatives.
Far from being perfect, here are some of the changes announced:
Recrutement: the length of experience taken into account for the calculation of the entry grade will be the same for all contract staff (3a / 3b) and will be set at 5 years in certain grades. This means that AC3b can no longer be recruited at all ranks. On the other hand, they will have the possibility to be evaluated and sometimes even to be reclassified. These entry grades were namely more favorable to CA 3b because they did not benefit from a contract of indefinite duration.
Possibility to organize exercises to change function group (permanent CAST organized by EPSO).
What is changing at the CAST level is that after your application for a CAST (function group 1 to 4) on the EPSO website, you will have to be selected by your / a service (depending on the profile sought by this service ) to be admitted to present the CBT tests. Depending on the procedure, you may be invited to a selection panel.
In general, for AC 3b, this is obviously an opportunity to extend their career within the institutions (in agencies and / or offices, since the 6-year rule still applies to the Commission). In the same way, as for AC 3a (function group 2 and higher), mobility remains impossible within the commission.
Easier mobility between Offices and executive agencies through the publication of vacancies open to all agents.
It should be noted that the change of Institution will always involve the signing of a new contract, subject to the conditions of the 2014 reform (pension contributions, retirement age, ...).
Will this new CAST procedure ease and encourage mobility between agencies & offices?
Even though the services can organize a selection procedure similar to the new permanent CAST procedure in order to make the best use of available skills, it is obvious that to recruit their staff, services will favor the use of this new CAST procedure, whose CVs are updated and available.
Namely that the old CAST lists (2005, 2007, ...) that may be closed soon, are not always usable because the CVs are no longer updated.
In case of willingness to move or change of rank, the SFE recommends contract agents 3a to increase their chances by enrolling in the permanent CAST. This will allow them to be selected too, by the services (including executive agencies) to participate in the selection panels, either in the same profile or in a different one. Remember that if you are selected, the service sends you a CAST in the desired profile. Even if you are not engaged after an interview, the results of the selection tests remain valid for the profile and the function group concerned during the period of time and according to the modalities provided for in the call for expressions of interest.
The SFE will soon launch an information campaign but do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
We are at your disposal !