AMC = A Missed Chance? Staff is not serial numbers!
SFE has been informed that DG HR has decided to extend by six months the AMC pilot project for the centralization of human resources management.
This is hardly a surprise to SFE as the project was very poorly prepared from the early start by DG HR, leading to massively negative feedback from both AMC collaborators and EC staff.
Instead of working towards the achievement of the objectives of modernising HR management and providing better service to staff and the institution, the opposite effect was reached by not giving AMC collaborators the necessary tools and procedures to successfully operate within the AMC concept.
In addition, the centralisation lead to a loss of personalised HR services to staff who feel reduced to a mere serial number, having to address anonymous functional mailboxes(!) of the Management Centre instead of e.g. Human Resources specialists..
As a consequence most AMC collaborators, nearly all specialists in the various HR domains and providing very satisfactory services to staff, are really frustrated and discouraged, being unable to provide the same quality level as before.
AMC staff are more and more considering leaving the sinking AMC boat. Others are on the edge of burn-out due to structural work overload, stress situations caused by the growing number of incoming complaints from unsatisfied EC staff, by the growing backlog due to the lack of internal organisation and lack of resources, etc.
SFE reminds the Administration and Commissioner Oettinger that the Commission has up to now always preached that human capital is the most important value of the European Institutions.
SFE hopes that this is not smooth talking meaning: "do as I say, not as I do". They have to understand that they willingly jeopardize return on investment of this human capital.
So, reducing individual staff to mere serial numbers and centralizing HR management into an empty anonymous shell, may/will contribute to the mathematical general objective of reducing EC staff by 5%. There is however another side to the coin: this will inevitably lead to a severe drop of productivity and a growing disengagement of staff as unhappy staff means non-productive staff. This will also lead to a drastic loss of HR expertise within the AMC caused by the massive departure of HR experts.
Back to your drawing boards DG HR before it is too late!
And AMC staff: Do keep your heads up, you are not to blame for this catastrophe / disaster!